Does Your Car Attract Thieves

Posted by on Sep 29, 2016 in Blog | Comments Off on Does Your Car Attract Thieves

Does Your Car Attract Thieves

Did you know that older car models are actually more attractive to car thieves than newer ones?


It’s true!


The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) explains that older car models are an easier and more lucrative option for thieves who break them down and sell them for parts.


To find out if your car is in danger of being stolen, check out the following list from NICB which shares the 10 most frequently stolen vehicles in the US for 2016:


1) 1997, Honda Accord (50,427 cars stolen)

2) 1998, Honda Civic (49,547 cars stolen)

3) 2006, Ford Pick-up (32,721 cars stolen)

4) 2004, Chevrolet Pickup (31,238 cars stolen)

5) 2016, Toyota Camry  (16,732 cars stolen)

6) 2015, Nissan Altima (12,221 cars stolen)

7) 2001,  Dodge Pickup (12,128 cars stolen)

8) 2015, Toyota Corolla (11,989 cars stolen)

9) 2008, Chevrolet Impala (9,749 cars stolen)

10) 2000, Jeep Cherokee / Grand Cherokee (9,245 cars stolen)


Whether or not you own one of these cars, it’s still important to have safety measures in place to deter thieves from stealing your car. Especially if you live in California, as it’s one of the nation’s leading car theft states, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


Here are our tips for keeping your car protected:


LOCK YOUR CAR: It may seem like a simple task, but it’s easy to forget. Always lock your car!!! Anytime you park your car, lock it and take your keys with you. Although parking in your driveway or directly in front of a store where it’s in eyesight may feel safe, that’s not always the case. In fact, more than one third of all vehicle thefts occur near the car owner’s residence! This also includes leaving your car running. Have you ever left your car running outside in the winter to warm it up? Those few minutes your car is alone can be risky!


KEEP TRACK OF YOUR KEYS: One of the first questions the police will ask you when they arrive is “do you have all your car keys?”Many people have gotten in the habit of hiding keys to their car or home close by, like in their wheel-well or some place under their car. Unfortunately, thieves have caught onto this trick and it’s putting your vehicle at risk!  It may seem like a hassle to find your keys in your purse or pocket, but it will be much more inconvenient to deal with a stolen car.


PARK SMART: When you enter a parking lot, do you consider where the safest place to park is? Try parking in a well-lit area, close to entrances or security cameras to add a layer of protection to your vehicle. Also be aware of how isolated your parking spot is, especially when in a parking garage, as your personal safety can also be compromised.


DON’T KEEP VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR: All too often when someone calls our office with an auto insurance claim, they inform us that their purse or other valuable item was left in their stolen vehicle. Storing valuable items in your car makes vehicle theft an even more difficult situation to navigate as not all items can be replaced or are difficult to replace, and there’s the added heartache of the additional loss. For thieves anything from an iPad to some loose change can be motivation enough to break into your car. If you are forced to leave valuables in your car, put them in your trunk.


WARNING DEVICES: Having a visible or audible anti-theft device on your car is an extremely effective way to deter thieves and protect your vehicle. When thieves are looking for their target, they are looking for the path of least resistance. Whatever car they can get into the easiest without drawing attention to themselves is the ones they are going to go after. Warning devices include alarms, vehicle tracker system, as well as immobilizers such as “kill” switches and fuel cut-offs.


While all of these tips can help keep your car safe, it’s also really important to have the proper auto insurance coverage. Schedule a chat today to discuss your current policy and whether or not a theft would be covered.

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